Heating Revolution

Distributors of:
Infrared and Radiant Heating Solutions
ThermaZone Infrared Heaters
Hot Yoga Studio Heating
Radiant Cove Heaters
Snow and Ice Melt Systems
Thermal Storage Systems
Floor Warming Systems
"You don't feel Infrared and Radiant...You experience it."
Waste Water Treatment Plants

Heats surfaces, objects and people - not the air.
Infrared energy travels through space and only
turns into heat when it contacts a cooler
surface. Heat will always flow toward the cold to
equalize the temperature. All of the heat and
comfort are in the lower half of the room.
Even heat distribution addresses heat loss
more effectively.
Greater comfort at lower temperature settings,
thus greater savings.
With forced air, warm air rises offering little lasting benefit.
100% true Infrared.
Heats quickly – no smell, no glow.
Quiet operation – no noisy fans or blowers.
No Maintenance - no parts or bulbs to replace.
Non-combustible – no flames, no fumes,
no venting.
Easy to install – up and out of the way.
Electric – clean and efficient. 95% of all energy is converted to useful heat
3 sizes: 12", 24", 48".
Various wattages and voltages. 1Ph & 3Ph.
Available in Black or Stainless (for corrosive areas).
Reputable Mfg - over 56 years.
UL Listed.